Our School
Thought of the Week
“A knowledge revolution is on the way. This is the age of knowledge. ”

Second Edition of Human Manifesto Global Education Policy Released
( 2025-01-08 )
The second edition of The Human Manifesto, Part 2: The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness by His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa was released yesterday by veteran journalist Shri. K.P. Mohanan at the Kerala Legislature International Book Festival.
In his address, Shri. Mohanan said, “All of the social problems seen today can be traced back to the failures of the present education system. Swami Isa has shown the world a beautiful system

Swamiji's Christmas Message on the Holy Trinity
( 2024-12-25 )
On Christmas Eve, Swami Isa gave a satsang on the concept of the Trinity. He noted that while many people are familiar with the Christian concept of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, many are unclear about the deeper meanings behind these terms.
In the Bible, we read:
“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Students Visit Palliative Patients
( 2024-12-23 )
Students and teachers of the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam came together to spread love and friendship during the holidays. With enthusiasm and compassion, they dedicated their time to visit palliative patients in our local community, offering not only heartfelt care but also some much-needed essentials.

A Ministry of Thought Should Be Initiated, Say Swami Isa
( 2024-12-16 )
His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa announced the initiation of a new Ministry of Thought in the Global Energy Parliament at the 14th annual session held on December 14th and 15th. The Ministry would be tasked with reviewing all proposals and applying critical analysis based on the unifying theory of energy, before passing them as resolutions. Thus, it would act much like a finely tuned human intellect, but in the objective plane.
GEP 2024 was conducted on the top

Spiritual Retreats in 2025
( 2024-11-20 )
Isalayam’s next International Spiritual Retreat will be held from February 18th to 27th 2025 during Mahashivaratri. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sadhak, this retreat will be the perfect opportunity to turn inwards, purify, and deepen your practice under the guidance of the realised Master.
Download the February Retreat fl

70th Isa Jayanthi Celebrations Held
( 2024-11-11 )
The 70th Jayanthi of Jagadguru Swami Isa continued on November 10th with many distinguished guests coming to pay their respects at the Isalayam Ashram and Isa Viswa Vidyalayam.
On the 10th morning, the day began with homa and guru puja, followed by a feast and a public function. Shri. Kummanam Rajasekharan, former Governor of Mizoram inaugurated the function, and Shri. V.S. Sivakumar, former MP, presided. Venerable Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Thero joined by

Beds, Clothing, Food Distributed on Isa Jayanthi
( 2024-11-11 )
In honour of Swamijis's 70th Jayanthi, the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust distributed items to people in need. As part of its commitment to relieving suffering, IVPT has a mission to provide relief and materials to people in need. In Thiruvananthapuram, people who live on the coastal areas are especially vulnerable due to sea erosion and climate change. We visited some of those places and provided items that were required such as beds and fans to bedridden patients, clothin

‘Education for Total Consciousness’ System Hailed at National Education Conference
( 2024-11-10 )
To commence the 70th Isa Jayanthi celebrations on November 9th, the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, in collaboration with the GEP Raj Bhavan Chair, organized a national conference in Thiruvananthapuram titled “Voices of Change: Inspiring the Next Generation to Education for Total Consciousness.”
The conference brought together some of India’s top educationists and future teachers gathered to explore the deepest aspects of Education for Total Consciousnes

Song Composed by Sharreth with Lyrics by Swami Isa Released
( 2024-11-10 )
Acclaimed musician Sharreth released a new song based on a poem by His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa. The audio was released by the Hon. Governor of West Bengal Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose at the inaugural function of the 70th Jayanthi celebrations on November 9th.
Titled “Prakritiyaam Amme”, the song is a tribute to the people of Wayanad, and describes the broken bond between man and Mother Nature, as people gradually became more and more fascinated with

New Books by Swami Isa Released on Jayanthi
( 2024-11-11 )
Six new books were released on Swamiji’s 70th Jayanthi to enable devotees to learn more about his teachings.
A collection of poems by Swamiji entitled "Spandanam" was released on November 9th by Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose, the Governor of West Bengal. Receiving the book was music director Sharreth.
The second edition of the life story of Swami Isa by the distinguished devotional author Venganoor Balakrishnan titled “Iswaravatharamayi Jagadguru Isa T

Congratulations to Our New Yoga Teachers
( 2024-08-02 )
The IVPT congratulates all of its newly credentialed LTC yoga teachers!
The sincere and dedicated group of students from France, Germany and Reunion Island passed their 200-hour teacher training course held at Isalayam Ashram from July 5-25, 2024. The course is certified by Yoga Alliance (RYS200), the international association for yoga teachers. The certification includes portions on Yoga Practices, Philosophy & Theory of Yoga

Swami Isa's Statement on the Landslides in Wayanad
( 2024-08-01 )
In the early hours of 30 July 2024, there were multiple landslides in villages of Wayanad district, Kerala. The landslides were one of the deadliest natural disasters in Kerala's history, with initial reports of more than 300 dead.
Jagadguru Swami Isa was distraught by the information. He said, “The tragedy in Wayanad is heartbreaking. We pray for all of those who lost loved ones, and for the souls of the departed.
“It is most tragic that

Isalayam Celebrates the International Day of Yoga
( 2024-06-21 )
Isalayam celebrated the International Day of Yoga at the Mall of Travancore. The celebration included a public talk on The Essence of Yoga according to Swami Isa, a demonstration of asanas, and a class. Young and old yoga lovers from all walks of life showed up for the evening, and were treated to an experience of mindfulness in a most unlikely setting.
“Yoga is union with Total Consciousness, or Total Happiness, or the Divine,” the gathering was told.

Organic Artificial Intelligence is Biggest New Threat, says Swami Isa
( 2024-04-11 )
Every year on the auspicious night of nature’s greatest tranquillity, Mahashivaratri, Jagadguru Swami Isa delivers a message about an upcoming challenge that is likely to be faced by Earth due to human activity. These messages are intended to shine a light on the short window of opportunity that we have to change course and avert major forthcoming disasters. They are a call for people everywhere to awaken and take necessary action, imm

Swam Isa Surprises With a New Definition of Faith
( 2023-11-30 )
On the first day of the annual Global Energy Parliament 2023, GEP Founder Swami Isa surprised Members of Parliament with a new scientific definition of science and faith as two inextricably linked ends of a thought, with faith as the chemistry, and science as the mathematics of it.
The Global Energy Parliament convened its 13th annual session of parliament on the topic of “Science and Faith.” It was

Global Energy Parliament on 'Science and Faith' held in Kolkata
( 2023-11-30 )
The thirteenth Global Energy Parliament (GEP), organized by the Isa Viswa Prajnjana Trust, was conducted at the Raj Bhavan, Kolkata, on the theme of ‘Science and Faith.’
The two-day Parliament was attended by more than 120 delegates from 15 nations who deliberated on different aspects of ‘Science and Faith.’ The event was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal Dr. C.V Ananda Bose in the presence of Jagadgur

New Books by Swami Isa Released
( 2023-12-02 )
The Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust is pleased to announce the publication of three new books by Swami Isa this year!
"The Path to Truth: Mystical Experiences of a Yogi" contains some of the amazing stories of Swami Isa's own spiritual journey and mystical experiences in his own words. Travel with the saint and mystic as he discovers the answers to his deepest questions in the harshest of con

"Human Manifesto" book now in bookstores worldwide
( 2023-03-12 )
Swami Isa's much-anticipated book, The Human Manifesto (Part 2): Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness is now available online for purchase!
Find it in online bookshops or on Amazon. Shipping is available worldwide.