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On Christmas Eve, Swami Isa gave a satsang on the concept of the Trinity. He noted that while many people are familiar with the Christian concept of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, many are unclear about the deeper meanings behind these terms.
In the Bible, we read:
“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”
– Matthew 28:18-20
Swamiji asks, Who is the Father? Who is the Son? And who is the Holy Spirit
He explains: Jesus is known as the Son, who prays to his Father in Heaven. The Holy Spirit works through Jesus and is sent by both the Father and the Son. But how are these three distinct, and yet, how are they the same? What are the roles of each?
Swamiji suggests that the I-Theory can help us understand the Trinity. He elaborates:
All matter in the universe originates from Red Matter. This Red Matter with Consciousness is represented as the Creator, or the Father. The creations of the Father are based on Black Matter, which manifests the material world—everything we can perceive in the universe made of atoms, molecules, etc. Therefore, the Creation is the Son: the manifest world, the mortal reality, with Consciousness.
Swamiji continues: As humans, we are born into this limited, material existence. Naturally, we seek to transcend our mortality by looking to the Creator. However, we cannot perceive the Father directly, as we are not yet aware of our true selves, our jeevan (soul). Our soul is always present, but it is veiled by ignorance. Through devotion, purification, and awareness of our prana (life force), we can begin to recognize this deeper truth. All great spiritual beings attained their holiness through this process. The key is to remove the obstructions which obscure our perception of the truth, allowing us to experience divinity more directly.
When the Son purifies himself and becomes one with the Father, he can reach the level of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit represents White Matter with Consciousness, as a peaceful, pure transparent veil covering Divinity. This veil is Ignorance, which exists on the causal plane. When the final veil is lifted, one comes closer to Divinity.
Swamiji concludes: The Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, or Red Matter, Black Matter and White Matter—exists within, with, and because of Total Consciousness, which is the absolute Truth. This Total Consciousness is nameless, formless, eternal and infinite. However, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are manifestations of energy: they are vibrations with names and forms. To connect with the Divine, we must begin with a name and form. This is essential for our spiritual practice, as it is through this process that we journey toward the ultimate reality.
The beautiful stories of Jesus's life and teachings become more accessible when viewed through the lens of the I-Theory. This theory is universal—it transcends any single religion or worldview, offering insights for all.
Thought of the Week
“A knowledge revolution is on the way. This is the age of knowledge. ”