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Volunteers from the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust and the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam journeyed to Kainakeri, Alappuzha District to distribute flood relief materials. By boat they were able to reach flooded places and witness firsthand the situation there. Most people have been sent home from the evacuation camps back to partially flooded houses. As the rains have mostly stopped and water has receded, they are trying to regain what has been lost. Efforts are being made to pump the water out of the soaked paddy fields which now look like a lake, but it is a labourious task.
The seen in the center is flooded paddy fields... and efforts are being made to sandbag and pump the water out.
Clothing, sheets and food kits were distributed by the volunteers.
Thought of the Week
“A knowledge revolution is on the way. This is the age of knowledge. ”